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Turismo de Santiago de Compostela – Incolsa is a municipal company belonging to Santiago de Compostela City Council. It is responsible for managing the city’s entire tourist policy as regards foreign promotion, the creation and management of tourist products, running municipal tourist information offices and promoting initiatives centred on congress tourism, marketing and tourist quality. It is specially focused on the tourist promotion and the visitor´s welcome services and products of the city It was founded in year 2000 and it has been an essential tool for the tourist development of the city in the last 20 years. Turismo de Santiago de Compostela has experience in the management of European projects: FILM CITIES, framed in the Interreg III C SUDOE Programme for the period 2004-2006, the ATLANTE project of the Interreg III B Atlantic Area programme for the same programming period and CERTO project of the European Cultural Itineraries Programme. Turismo de Santiago de Compostela decided to lead the Bodah Project with the aim of improving the visitor´s flow management thanks to the use of new technologies, which will contribute to avoid a possible future touristification in some areas of the old town of the city, that are begining to become too touristy in specific periods of the year.

Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico is a private non-profit organization dedicated to generating sustainable development and activate territories for more than four decades, through the development of innovative projects and initiatives based on three pillars: people, heritage and landscape. Nowdays, the organization has a team of 200 professionals and organizes its work in three main areas of activity: Employment and Entrepreneurship, Social Care and Tourism and Culture. From this last area, projects such as BODAH are managed, always focusing on new technologies to provide intelligent management of heritage, encouraging its study, conservation and dissemination and promoting sustainable cultural tourism.

Fomento San Sebastian (FSS) is a local public society dedicated to the economic and social development and promotion of the city of San Sebastian-Donostia (Spain), through innovation, knowledge generation and transformation, networking, and project fostering and management, all under sustainability criteria.
Fomento San Sebastian was created more than a century ago for the construction and management of cultural facilities and hotels, and today is the Town Hall instrument for sustainable economic development of San Sebastian. The legal structure of the company permits a more dynamic performance compared with other municipal departments.
FSS is the public society of Donostia / San Sebastian dealing with the economic and sectorial innovation development of the city. FSS is leading and driving the transformation of the city's socio-economic model, promoting the development of strategic emerging sectors through the consolidation of the local clustering model.
FSS is leading the Donostia Smart City strategic project of the city for the promotion of social, economic and environmental sustainability, coordinating the public and private entities in its deployment.
The city of Donostia – San Sebastian, coordinated by FSS, has deployed projects and initiatives (some of them co funded by the European Commission) related to the transformation into a Smart City.

Founded in 1977, the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) is one of the most prestigious Portuguese and European engineering and science public schools and it is engaged in extensive research activity developed at 16 research centers involving 1600 PhD and Master’s students. Currently, FCT has experience in managing circa 100 European projects (EU FP7 and H2020). This shows the visibility and competitiveness of the school at European and International level and strong experience in collaborative projects, working with partners from all over the world.
FCT NOVA, with about 8000 students, has one of the best university campuses as is distinguished by a culture of excellent teacher-student relationship and an intense academic life with many different cultural and sport activities.
The main roles of FCT NOVA within BODAH project, comprises:
- Production and coordination of the online communication strategy, including the project website, e-flashes and social networking;
- Contribution to the Policy Tool Kit and contribution to the Capitalisation Plan, Charter and events;
- WP5 Coordination: Open and Big data Analysis;
- Validation of the strategy towards the Quadruple Helix stimulation: Co-building, testing and validation of the web-based platform of data sharing.

The University of Pau & Pays Adour (UPPA) is a multi-site establishment, with a main campus in Pau and three others in Bayonne, Tarbes and Mont-de-Marsan in the Adour river basin. Coming administratively under the Academy of Bordeaux, it is the third largest university in southwestern France (after Bordeaux and Toulouse), with some 13,000 students and 1200 employees. Classified in three colleges (Sciences and Technology for Energy and Environment; Social Science and the Humanities; and Cross-border, European & International Studies), research takes place in 23 research units where fundamental and applied research is developed jointly with national research organizations (CNRS – French National Center for Scientific Research, INRA – French National Institute for Agricultural Research, INRIA – French National Institute for Digital Sciences) as well as international research organizations and industrial partners.

Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) is a third and fourth level educational and research institution. CIT is based across four campus locations in Cork. Its main campus is at Bishopstown, in Cork city. Other campuses include the National Maritime College of Ireland, the Cork School of Music and the CIT Crawford College of Art. CIT has a student population of c. 15,000 and 1,500 staff. In January 2021, CIT and the Institute of Technology Tralee (ITT), will merge as the re-designated Munster Technological University (MTU).
Staff from our Computer Science Department lead our activities in the BODAH Project. The department has a strong research and educational portfolio and caters for students from level 5 to level 10. It also offers five online master's degree programmes, all are delivered online by night. Online delivery offers flexibility that's attractive to people in work who want to upskill, but cannot attend a full-time programme.
All classes are delivered using CIT’s cloud infrastructure. Lectures are delivered using Adobe Connect and labs are available 24/7 using CIT’s world-class private cloud environment. Our current online students are based in Ireland, the UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, South America, Canada, Australia and the USA.

The Moffat Centre for Travel and Tourism Business Development at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) have provided expertise since 1999 for several national tourism/regional planning strategies, business training and development plans, collaborating with governments and the private sector both in the UK and internationally. Through the integration of multi-method approaches such as primary data collection, bench marking and best practice analysis, the Moffat Centre illustrates trends and practices and provides robust practical guidance for the leisure and tourism industry.
GCU will lead out on Work Package 7 - Public Sector Upskilling; is responsible to develop flow management models and public sector upskilling activities. The key tasks include: the organization of workshops and training modules for knowledge sharing, the dissemination of the project outputs and learning opportunities aimed at third parties such as local Government, Local Authorities and other public bodies involved in flows management.

Founded in 1884, Bangor University has a long tradition of academic excellence and a strong focus on the student experience. Around 10,000 students currently study at the University, with teaching staff based within fourteen Academic Schools. Bangor University is ranked in the top 40 in the UK for research, according to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014. The REF recognised that more than three-quarters of Bangor’s research is either world-leading or internationally excellent, ahead of the average for UK universities. Our activities in the BODAH project are led by academics from the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE). Our School's academics figure among the world leaders in a broad range of technologies, from Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition to Data Visualisation; Medical Microwave Electronics and Medical Simulation; Optolectronics, Broadband and Optical Communications; Organic Electronics; Nanotechnology; Nuclear Engineering and more.